The Texas Real Estate Commission met on August 7 and adopted amendments to existing rules and proposed several more. 查看会议资料包, which provides more details about all the changes, 在TREC的网站上. Here’s a breakdown of a proposal related to 形式. Find a list of other rule changes proposed by TREC 在这里.

TREC has proposed changes to Paragraph 5 of the TREC 合同 to require that earnest money be delivered within three days after the effective date of 合同. Time is of the essence and if the buyer fails to deliver the earnest money in time, 卖方可以终止合同, 寻求第15条的违约救济, or both before the buyer deposits the earnest money. Currently, if the buyer fails to deliver the earnest money, the buyer may be in default.

在合同第9页, the proposed changes create three separate receipt boxes for earnest money, 合同, 还有额外的保证金.

Other proposed changes include Paragraph 6D, 业权政策及调查, to clarify aspects of the curing obligation and Paragraph 20 to add language that elaborates on the definition of a foreign person.

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TREC has proposed changes to Paragraph 2F so that reservations cannot be included in special provisions and instead should be addressed in a separate addendum.

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TREC’s change clarifies that the seller is required to deliver documents, 比如章程, and the resale certificate at the seller’s expense.

Share your feedback on proposed rule changes with TREC

The earliest these proposed rule amendments could be adopted is during the next TREC meeting, 定于11月13日.

You can provide comments about these proposed rule changes for at least 30 days after they are published in the 德州注册 通过发邮件 一般.counsel@trec.德州.政府. The proposals from the August 7 meeting will likely go live August 25; you can enter “Texas Real Estate Commission” in the Agency Name field on this page to read the rules when they’re published in the 德州注册.

Comments made on this blog post will not be read by TREC and do not count as official feedback on proposed rule changes.

Other adopted or proposed rule changes from TREC: